Making a “video”

As I previously said, let’s start by a small review about few youtubers that I have crossed , and I’ve found interresting by the way they express their “content”

Obviously, I had prefer that their subject be flirting with the “self-promotion” issue, or “self-development”.

Only, how they are doing it, how they ‘re catching and keeping interrest and engagement is my curiosity rather than what they say.

Marketing Mania

The following video show extract from “Mad Men”, but you’ve got also, Better called Saul, Friends .., even Eminem. An interresting ways to illustrate some lessons of “marketing”

Sequence from series or film are the support of the course.

Here, how the actor deals with the intrigue and solves a problem : sell what can Not be sold.

Rather enthousiastic, when I saw its video involving film or serie to analyse method or process of “marketing course ” …

It is a bit, as if the film had be made to teach marketing principle. Amazing to the point, I suddently wonder if you have to pass many master or PhD like marketing, digital ect to be scenarist?? I’ve been really amazed the film fit so well the “lessons”.

The edition make it great with a various length of extract, good rythme and dynamic, and a bit of suspense (if you haven’t see the serie)

A real dynamic video, nice to watch .

A real good diction and presence to the screen, a simple clear texte, a fluid enonciation give a hudge impression of competence and knowledge.

Vivid knowledges and fulllife lesson..

I had thought, these films create the perfect illustration of the simplicity biase . What is that ? It is when something look like so easy, that you don’t only understand when it explains, it’s more like, you already know it .. But no you don’t. You don’t unless you repeat . As any learning process.

The targuet of the guy are students. Their ability to learn is favoured by its vivid flow, original knowledges, taken from what they know : enternainment, series.

There, the different and dynamic materials keep interrest, curiosity and favour remembering and learning

He deploys through other style, also some kind of creativity in presenting himself…

But he is from marketing ..isn’t he

Another video ..

Clearly, also attractive by direction and edition, despite the “abstract” subject it covers. Pretty well documented, the video are never done at the last moment.

The iconic, glorious, famous touch of extract’s choice are very well exploited, and abble to catch an attention larger than “only” marketing.

David Laroche : Wake up call

Motivational coach. He has started pretty young with a lot of passion and sincerity. His video are not boring thanks an interresting speech, and also a simple (almost invisible) edition, that multiply plan of him with different direction in a choosen location.

The video below is about being confortable when speaking (in french)

He has a lot growing up since he has begun

Even, if he was already talented.

However the principle stay unchanged, a long speech to the camera ..

A lot of sincerity, with a real charm surprise enough to give some credits to his ability, and competence despite youngness.

Presence, posture gesture elocution are great. Introducing a discret edition ponctuating his speech (at least 2 camera) had been a good idea.

Feel free to browse, share other examples, comment bellow .

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